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These will often have clues such as "The green house comes before the black house. The black house comes after another house, so it can't be the first one. Carefully puzzle out clues involving time. The puzzle can get trickier if one of your lists is the amount of time someone takes. For instance, perhaps you know that a group of people raced a mile and finished in 6, 8, 15, and 25 minutes. If you have a clue like "Marcus finished more than 5 minutes after the person ahead of him," you will have to consider each time and think about whether it makes sense.
Here's how to work out this example: Marcus can't be the one who ran the mile in 6 minutes, no one was ahead of him. Cross out the Marcus-6 square. Marcus can't be the one who ran in 8 minutes, because that time is less than 5 minutes behind the one before it.
Cross out the Marcus-8 square. Either the 15 or 25 minute times would work for this clue. You'll have to wait until more squares are crossed off before you can figure out which time was Marcus's. Once you've gone through all the clues, fill out more of your chart with the information you have. By now, you've probably discovered several pairings, and you can use each one to fill our more of your chart. Here's an example, going back to our original problem without anything involving time or numbers: Let's say you've discovered that Caroline wears a yellow shirt.
Check the yellow shirt column or row for information in other sections. Let's say you notice on your chart that the person with a yellow shirt did not bring ice cream. Because you know that person is Caroline, you can also cross out the square that connects Caroline and ice cream.
Check Caroline's row or column too and transfer information the same way to the yellow shirt column or row. If you're stuck, reread all the clues carefully. Many puzzle writers try to trick you, and there may be clues that you don't notice until you've read them several times.
Sometimes, writing them out yourself on index cards and shifting the order can help you look at them in a different light. A friend who hasn't been working on the puzzle might see something you didn't notice.
Check your grid for gaps. Remember to check your grid every so often to make sure you filled out all the squares you can. If a section has a row or column with every square crossed off except one, put a circle in that empty square.
Whenever a square has a circle in it, you can cross off every other square in that section that lines up in the same row or column. If a row or column within a section has every square crossed off, or more than one square with a circle in it, there was probably a mistake made along the way and you may need to start over.
If you're still stuck, copy the grid or switch to a different color and make a guess. Switch to a different color ink, or if you're solving a puzzle online, print it out and work on the copy. Make one guess by putting a circle or an X in an empty square. Make a guess that will let you cross off or circle additional squares.
This will usually lead to a chain reaction, and either solve the puzzle or end up with an inconsistency, such as "Brad wears a red shirt and Brad wears a blue shirt". If an inconsistency occurs, your guess must have been wrong. Go back to what the chart looked like before you made your guess, and make the opposite one. Always keep track of when you made your guess with a new copy or a different color ink so it's easy to reverse if the guess was wrong.
Check your answer with each clue. Once you've answered the question the puzzle posed, look at the clues and see if your chart makes sense with each one.
It should only take a few minutes to check each answer and notice any mistakes. Unfortunately, if there is a mistake, you'll probably need to begin again, since it is difficult to backtrack with this kind of puzzle.
Otherwise, congratulations! You've solved the puzzle. If you got the answer without filling out your entire chart, you may not be able to check every clue. As long as your chart doesn't contradict the clues you can check, you are probably correct. Part 3. Consider each word in the question for hidden easy answers. Many logic problems try to distract you or lead you down the wrong path. Don't follow the first train of thought that enters your head; look at each word and see if there's a simple answer that's easy to miss.
For example: "A cell phone has fallen down a one foot 30cm hole. How do you retrieve it? You have a wheel of cheese, three chicken feathers, and a flute.
Consider the question again before answering. Some questions will fool you by appearing too easy, when they're actually more complicated than they seem. You can avoid most of these trick questions by pausing and thinking the problem through before you make a snap decision.
For instance, "A wind is blowing from the east, but you are facing the south side of a tree. Which way are the leaves blowing?
However, the wind is blowing from the east, so the leaves are actually blowing west. For multiple choice logical reasoning questions, consider each option in turn. Many logical reasoning test questions provide you with a list of statements and ask you what you can deduce from them, usually with multiple choice answers to choose from.
The earliest boards were of the advanced technology AT type, and they were used in the s in the first personal computers. These were followed by the ATX design. This type was designed to allow for full-sized expansion boards to be inserted into all the sockets. The ATX design connects all the components through board sockets and slots. It keeps the components cool by use of a fan that blows air across the processor from inside the case instead of pulling air through the casing.
Computer motherboards are built for different purposes from basic computing to high-end gaming to animation rendering. For consumer-level computers, the minimum components included are one CPU, one or more memory chips, one Intel or AMD chipset, a video card, a hard drive, and some ports for input and output. As the usage becomes more specialized or demanding, the number of individual components increases.
A gaming computer may have more than one cooling fan. A video-rendering machine may need more than one graphics card. Some have more heat sinks to control cooling internally. As standards change, the board may need to allow for multiple versions of a particular component.
For example, a board can have both USB 2.
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